
Meet The Team – Emily Roberts

Here at Soup, we know it’s really important for everyone to get to know us. Whether that’s clients or just friends of Soup, we like to make ourselves known. Check out the second of our ‘Meet the Team’ series – Junior Animator, Emily.

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Hi Emily! You’re Junior Animator here at Soup and the newest addition to the team. Tell us a bit about yourself.
How did you get into video production?

Growing up I was inspired by Japanese video games (Final Fantasy VII) and anime (Naruto, Pokemon, Studio Ghibli), which led me down a creative path of drawing fan art and making fan websites which slowly evolved into video production. I got into a Media course at college based solely on my art portfolio that allowed me to try out all aspects of media production and I fell in love with filmmaking because of its versatility and my knack for it. Now you won’t see me without my camera!

What’s your role at Soup?

I’m a Junior Animator but I also help out on other aspects of video production. My role involves storyboarding, designing and animating assets and helping with other jobs such as taking photos, camera assistant and designing posters or infographics for the website.

What’s your favourite part about your job as Junior Animator?

I like getting stuck into animating, I like to see results and it’s very satisfying to watch a fluid animation.

And your favourite part about Soup?

My favourite part is the variety in projects that we do, I get to assist on all aspects which keeps the job fun and interesting!


And now for the easy bit!

Favourite film?

It’s possibly the hardest question for a film + TV graduate to answer so I have to cheat and give you my top three. First it has to be Lost in Translation, it has captivating cinematography, great sense of humour and a feeling of wanderlust. Second is Back to the Future – who doesn’t love a time-travel film with a crackpot scientist and a jamming guitar solo. Third, Howl’s Moving Castle one of the many Studio Ghibli films that inspired me to draw and follow my creative career.

Fun fact about you?

Here have three; I’m a Black Belt 1st Dan in Ju-Jitsu, I was homeschooled and my shoe size is size 3 so even the shoes in Hong Kong didn’t fit me when I lived there.

What do you do in your spare time?

Play video games, take photos, shoot arrows (aka archery)

Favourite thing that you’ve animated so far?

Last scene of Ellesmere College video where the lines swirl around the globe and draw in the logo.


There’s everything you need to know about our junior animator. Keep check for next week’s lucky team member to grace our screens!
Written by Emily Kench

Social Wave Caster

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